What is Negative Reinforcement? behavior bytes vocabulary Feb 22, 2024

Within Applied Behavior Analysis there are two types of reinforcement: positive and negative. Reinforcement is used to help increase the probability that a specific behavior will occur in the...

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What is Positive Reinforcement? behavior bytes vocabulary Feb 15, 2024

Within Applied Behavior Analysis there are two types of reinforcement: positive and negative. Reinforcement is used to help increase the probability that a specific behavior will occur in the...

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Establishing Operations behavior bytes vocabulary Feb 08, 2024

An establishing operation is an event that momentarily alters the reinforcing effectiveness of a stimulus. For example, drinking water after eating salty food. The salty food momentarily increased...

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What is a BCaBA behavior bytes vocabulary Feb 01, 2024

BCaBA stands for Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst. This level of certification requires an undergraduate degree, courses related to behavior analysis, supervised practice and passing of...

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What is an RBT? behavior bytes vocabulary Jan 25, 2024

RBT stands for Registered Behavior Technician. RBT’s are paraprofessionals who practice under the close supervision of a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and/or a Board Certified...

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What is a BCBA? behavior bytes vocabulary Jan 11, 2024

BCBA stands for Board Certified Behavior Analyst. When you see that a professional is a BCBA it means that they not only have a masters degree in Applied Behavior Analysis from an accredited...

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What is ABA? behavior bytes vocabulary Jan 05, 2024

“Applied behavior analysis (ABA) means the design, implementation, and evaluation of environmental modifications, using behavioral stimuli and consequences, to produce socially significant...

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