Encouraging Positive Behavior: Teaching Preschoolers with Autism to Remain Seated independence parenting with aba Mar 05, 2024

For parents and teachers of preschoolers with autism, mealtime and instructional periods can sometimes be challenging. Many children with autism struggle with remaining seated, which can disrupt...

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What is Positive and Negative Punishment? behavior bytes vocabulary Feb 29, 2024

The term punishment in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis literally means for a behavior to decrease. Remember in ABA behavior is defined as anything one says or does (or anything that can be...

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Shaping Success: A Guide to Teaching New Behaviors to Young Children independence learning through play parenting with aba Feb 27, 2024

Teaching new behaviors to young children involves a strategic and supportive approach known as shaping. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of shaping, detailing the steps that parents...

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What is Negative Reinforcement? behavior bytes vocabulary Feb 22, 2024

Within Applied Behavior Analysis there are two types of reinforcement: positive and negative. Reinforcement is used to help increase the probability that a specific behavior will occur in the...

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Teaching Functionally Equivalent Replacement Behaviors to Young Children communication parenting with aba Feb 20, 2024

Understanding and addressing challenging behaviors in young children involves recognizing that these behaviors often serve as communication tools. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of...

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What is Positive Reinforcement? behavior bytes vocabulary Feb 15, 2024

Within Applied Behavior Analysis there are two types of reinforcement: positive and negative. Reinforcement is used to help increase the probability that a specific behavior will occur in the...

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A Positive Reinforcement Guide for Teaching New Skills to Young Children learning through play parenting with aba Feb 13, 2024

Below is a step-by-step guide for parents and teachers, highlighting how positive reinforcement can be a powerful tool in fostering skill development in young children.

Step 1: Choose the...

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Establishing Operations behavior bytes vocabulary Feb 08, 2024

An establishing operation is an event that momentarily alters the reinforcing effectiveness of a stimulus. For example, drinking water after eating salty food. The salty food momentarily increased...

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Mastering New Skills: A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents and Teachers using Task Analysis independence parenting with aba Feb 06, 2024

Teaching young children new skills can be an exciting and rewarding experience, especially when approached with a structured method like task analysis. In this blog post, we will explore how...

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What is a BCaBA behavior bytes vocabulary Feb 01, 2024

BCaBA stands for Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst. This level of certification requires an undergraduate degree, courses related to behavior analysis, supervised practice and passing of...

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Understanding Challenging Behaviors: A Deeper Look into the Whys challenging behavior parenting with aba Jan 30, 2024

As parents and teachers, navigating the realm of challenging behaviors in children can be both perplexing and demanding. Why does my child act this way? Why do we, as individuals, engage in certain...

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What is an RBT? behavior bytes vocabulary Jan 25, 2024

RBT stands for Registered Behavior Technician. RBT’s are paraprofessionals who practice under the close supervision of a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and/or a Board Certified...

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